You can always trust us to bring to you the latest wellness trends. And today, we have got you just that. Heard of 'moon milk'? No? Well, scroll on to know all there is to know about this latest wellness trend that might just actually be the cure to your mid-week insomnia.
So, what is moon milk? Simply take your favourite mug, fill with hot milk and add your own blend of natural sweetener (such as honey or maple syrup), your choice of adaptogen powder (ashwagandha is ideal for easing stress and strengthening your immune system) and spices designed to send you off to sleep. When should you drink it? Just before you sleep. Drink it before getting into bed (ideally in a screen-free environment) and you will be good to go.
Here are a few moon milk recipes to help you get started:
1. Lavender cacao moon latte
Milk + ashwagandha powder +lavender + cacao
2. Cherry and almond moon latte
Almond milk + honey + cherry juice (a natural source of melatonin — a hormone that helps to regulate sleep)
3. Chamomile and coconut moon latte
Coconut milk + date syrup + reishi powder (a type of mushroom that helps to promote calmness and has antioxidant properties) + dried chamomile buds
Of course, each moon milk recipe is totally flexible, depending on your milk preferences and what flavour you prefer. Let us know how it works for you!