A thick haze with levels of PM10 has enveloped most of Delhi and the nearby areas. Needless to say, the air quality is severely bad and it could certainly end in disaster for your respiratory health. “Exposure to pollution over longer period of time is also one of the reasons for developing lung cancer. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer, in India effecting around 63,000 people every year. The particles present in the air that we are breathing will definitely go inside and harm us,” says an expert.
So here are a few ways in which you can protect yourself:
*Wear a N95 grade mask, which fits snugly around the mouth and nose, so that all air passes through the mask.
* Indoor plants will really help. Surround your home with areca palm, rubber plant and peace lilies.
*Quit indoor smoking as this causes indoor air pollution.
*If your throat hurts or there's irritation, boil half a teaspoon of turmeric in water. Add a teaspoon of honey and drink the concoction in the morning.
* Adopt a Mediterranean diet which is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts and ‘healthy’ fats.
Well, we hope these tips helped you. Stay tuned for more updates.