There's no product or remedy out there that can work as an elixir to stop or reverse ageing. Ageing is a natural process that cannot be stopped. However, it certainly can be slowed down. There are certain tips and remedies that can help reduce the appearance of the signs of ageing. One of the most common signs of ageing is crow's feet. These are the tiny wrinkles that appear around your eyes and can make you look older. So, if you're looking for ways to reduce the appearance of crow's feet, here are some tips that will help.
Stay relaxed - You may not be aware of this but frowning, squinting and other such things can lead to the formation of wrinkles. So, make sure to keep your skin relaxed by not rubbing your skin too harshly and not frowning and squinting too much. It'll really help make a difference to the appearance of your skin.
Moisturise regularly - The only advantage people with oily skin have over the other skin types is that they don't end up with a lot of wrinkles. The reason for this is that the oil in the skin helps keep the skin moisturised and prevents wrinkle formation. So, make sure to moisturise your skin regularly and it'll ensure that you don't end up with dryness and cracks in your skin.
Slather on some sunscreen - The sun's harmful rays can end up damaging your skin in more ways than you can imagine. It's also one of the main reasons behind premature ageing of the skin. So, make sure to slather on some sunscreen before you step out of your house so that your skin stays protected and safe.
Keep these tips in mind and stay tuned for more updates.