While most of us love to opt for that 9-5 job because it lets you stay in one place and get off work early, sitting in your chair for 8-9 whole hours can actually prove to be daunting too. Not only will you get severely bored after one point of time but you can also end up with various health issues from sitting for prolonged periods. So, what should you do if you're tired of being glued to your desk? Opt for these tips!
- Get moving! And yes, we literally mean you should get off your seat and get moving. Try to walk when you're on a call with someone, take the stairs instead of the lift if you need to move between different floors and make sure you take a 5 min walk after every 30 minutes you spend sitting down.
- Play some games. We're sure that like most other offices, your office also has a play area where you can go to relax and refresh your mind. A game of carrom or Table Tennis is sure to give your mind the workout it needs. Plus, it will also encourage teamwork between you and your colleagues.
- Eat healthy snacks. A lot of us tend to indulge in unhealthy foods when hunger strikes during those late evening hours. And yes, while that vada pao or frankie might be super delicious, it certainly isn't healthy. So, opt for a healthy meal instead like a fruit salad or nutritious protein bars.
- Be positive. The one thing you absolutely need to remember when you start to feel low is that feeling all gloomy and sad isn't going to solve anything. So, try to stay positive and accomplish as much as you can.