The very first thing we tend to do when we get a headache is to pop a pill. After all, a headache does become a nuisance if it isn't taken care of appropriately and at the right time. But now that we're all so prone to stress and tiredness, you might find yourself having a headache quite frequently. And let's be honest, you can't just pop a pill if you end up with a headache every other day. Which is why you need something other than medication to help get rid of that nasty ache. These simple yoga asanas can definitely help out with that. Take a look.
Setu Bandhasana - Lie down on your back and then slowly lift your knees upwards while placing your feet on the ground. Your knees and ankles should be in a straight line. Your hands should be placed beside your body with your palms facing down. Then, lift your back off the floor slowly and inhale while doing so. At this point you should be holding the position with your head and your feet while your body is uplifted. Hold for a minute while breathing deeply and then return to the original position.
Ardha Pincha Mayurasana - Get down on all fours and then place your palms on the floor while you slowly lift your knees off the floor as well. Your hips should face the ceiling while you hold your body up by your palms and your feet. Slowly place your forearms on the floor, and then hold this position for a few seconds before returning to the original position.
Shavasana - One of the easiest exercises to opt for, this pose is also known as the corpse pose. All you need to do is lie down on a yoga mat or a sheet. Make yourself comfortable; also ensure that your spine is straight. Arms should be resting on your sides with palms facing upwards and fingers relaxed. Stay in this position for 4-5 minutes whilst breathing deeply. Then return to the original position.
Try these asanas and stay tuned for more updates.