We've certainly become a lot more aware of how the environment around us can easily get destroyed if we don't take care of it in all the right ways. And that's why so many people choose to go eco-friendly and opt for products that can be reused and recycled instead of using products like plastic. But have you ever asked yourself, is that enough? Things you might not even be aware of could also be destroying the environment. We're talking about your beauty products. That's right, did you know your beauty products could be damaging the environment? Here's how exactly that's been happening.
Products like shampoos and cleansers can lead to mass deforestation - This happens since these products contain certain compounds that can only be derived from palm trees and so these trees are cut down in bulk to produce such products. If you want to combat this, try to use
products that are more natural and are made sustainably so that companies are forced to stop cutting so many trees.
Wet wipes can kill marine life - Did you know that quite a lot of wet wipe brands make wet wipes that are non-biodegradable? These wet wipes end up in seas and oceans and are ingested by marine life that ends up dying due to this. Switch to more eco-friendly brands of wet wipes to help combat this issue.
Sunscreen could destroy coral reefs - As bizarre as this might sound, it actually is true. Sunscreen contains Oxybenzone, an active chemical that absorbs the sun's rays to keep your skin safe. But when you apply this sunscreen and swim in the ocean, the chemical ends up destroying the DNA of coral reefs. Plus, it also ruins the reproduction system of coral reefs which can end up destroying it completely. To combat this, try to opt for mineral-based sunscreens instead.
Well, now that you're aware of how dangerous your beauty products can be for the environment, we suggest you start making better swaps ASAP. Stay tuned for more updates.