Christmas, like most festive seasons, can be joyful and stressful at the same time. Worrying about getting the right gift, getting your special menu ready, decorating, and gearing up to spend time with family and loved ones can take a toll. Here are a few ways to have a stress-free Christmas:
* Make sure people know what to expect from you: It can be tough to deal with everyone's demands. Lay down your rules and let them know what you have planned for Christmas, even when it comes to the presents you plan to give.
* Don't feel guilty about saying 'no': Oftentimes everyone has their own ideas about how you should spend Christmas. If you don't agree with it and want to do something else, let it be known. Instead of making an entire dinner for the family, have a pot luck dinner instead.
* Make sure to prep: With so much to do, it can be easy to let a few things slide. That is why it is important to make a list and plan out your days ahead of Christmas. Put every chore on the list no matter how small, like wrapping your gifts. You should also make time for yourself. “It’s a good idea to make a few dates for yourself; some evenings when you just stop and relax,”Pauline McKinnon, a psychotherapist and anxiety expert, told a news portal.
* Try and avoid conflict: As much as we love our loved ones, things can get a little heated when we don't agree on things. If you feel there is too much tension in the room, go for a walk or change the subject. Get back to what this day is really all about. You should also make time for yourself.“Find your inner zen-mode and try to let things slide,” McKinnon told a news portal.
Adding, “Being the bigger person isn’t just the mature thing to do, it’s the best way to avoid confrontation and ensure a happy Christmas Day for you and your family."
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