TV advertisements make it seem as if all women have clean and neat underarms that never require any grooming or taking care of but we all know just how much further from the truth that is. In reality, underarm problems are pretty common, be it excessive sweating or too much in growth, and there's no shame in talking about it. You shouldn't have to deal with these easily treatable issues on your own which is why we've got a list of some common underarm problems and how you can deal with them.
Sweaty underarms - While sweating is a rather normal phenomenon and is a way for your body to get rid of toxins, if you've noticed that you sweat excessively, you can use some tomato juice to combat that. Just rub some tomato juice on your underarm area and leave it on for about ten minutes. Rinse it later and pat your underarms dry. It'll help reduce excessive sweat.
Dark underarms - To help lighten your underarms what you can do is apply a concoction of lemon juice and turmeric to the area. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then rinse it off later. Opt for this at least 2-3 times a week for about 1 month and you'll see the results.
In growth - To get rid of ingrown hair, make a scrub using sugar and honey and rub it on your underarm area for a few minutes. Rinse it off and pat it dry. Opt for this remedy at least 1-2 times a week.
Try these remedies and see how well they work! Stay tuned for more updates.