Working out on a treadmill for just one hour can boost metabolism for two days, study states
It has been found that just working out on a treadmill for one hour, consisting of three 20-minute sessions, can help activate neurons that regulate blood glucose levels as well as balance energy
Alisha Alam | Dec 6, 2018, 16:45 ISTAll this time we were being told that unless one exercised vigorously on a daily basis, their metabolism would remain stagnant and they wouldn't be able to lose weight easily. But now, it has been found that just working out on a treadmill for one hour, consisting of three 20-minute sessions, can help activate neurons that regulate blood glucose levels as well as balance energy.
Just a single bout of workout can boost the activity of energy-burning neurons and inhibit their counterparts. And this change can last for longer with more training. “It doesn’t take much exercise to alter the activity of these neurons,” said Kevin Williams, a neuroscientist at the University of Texas Southwestern. He also added that just going out once and opting for a semi-vigorous exercise session could help boost a person's metabolism for days.
The session was also found to cause a decrease in appetite which lasted for as long as six hours. Williams also added that this might be why most people don't feel hungry immediately after working out. He further noted that this exercise isn't just helping people lose weight but is also helping find a link between conditions affected by glucose regulation. Stay tuned for more updates.