The pandemic is still raging strong everywhere which is why it's of the utmost importance that you take care of your health and don't let yourself fall sick. But the change in climate often leads to problems like a common cold. And although the common cold is usually harmless and requires basic medication, sometimes it can prolong for weeks and that can reduce your immunity. Reduced immunity is not something you should be risking at the moment. So, if medication isn't exactly doing the trick for you, try out some more remedies that will help at least tone down that cold of yours. Take a look at what they are.
-Firstly, you need to get some rest. Only then your body can heal. Make sure to get enough sleep (7-8 hours) and don't exert yourself too much. You should skip out on extensive workout sessions too as it might cause your body more harm than good.
-Opt for some steam. Often colds end up clogging your sinuses which isn't just annoying but also painful (yes that's probably what's causing that pain in your head). Steam inhalation can help unclog your sinuses and can get rid of all the mucus stuffed inside. This also helps make a drastic difference.
-Sip on warm liquids. From warm water to warm soup, sipping on warm liquids can help soothe your throat and can ease the overall congestion in your ENT area.
If the situation still isn't better, ensure to visit your doctor and seek professional help. Stay tuned for more updates.