With the covid-19 pandemic still raging strong, the one thing you need to take utmost care of is your health. It's very easy to fall ill during this season and catching a cold is pretty common too. But if that happens, it also reduces your immunity and makes you more prone to catching the covid virus as well. That's why you need to ensure that you don't end up with a cold either. Here are some habits that might be putting you at risk of catching a cold. See what they are and then put a stop to them immediately.
Not wearing warm clothes - You can't be sitting in shorts and halter necks during the winter and cold seasons. Make sure to wear the right kind of clothes so that you stay warm and don't end up being susceptible to catching a cold easily. Ensure to keep your hands and feet warm as well.
Lack of sleep - You might be wondering what sleep has to do with falling sick but when you don't get enough sleep, your immunity falls and this, of course, increases your chances of falling ill. So, make sure that you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
Not drinking enough water - Dehydration can lead to a plethora of health problems and yes, that includes falling sick and catching a cold. It basically decreases your immunity and makes you more prone to falling ill. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day or consume about 3 litres.
Not keeping your hands clean - The reason why experts insist that you keep your hands clean at all times is that you end up touching your face, eyes, nose etc all the time and this can lead to bacteria and germ transfer and can make you unwell. So, wash your hands regularly and beat the flu!
Remember to combat these bad habits and stay tuned for more updates.