

A cup's worth of lettuce contains about 15 calories. Consuming it daily will help you obtain loads of minerals and vitamins. It is also a good source of calcium, potassium, and folate. Lettuce will also help you maintain a healthy immune system as it contains vitamin C.

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You must know that carrots are associated with excellent eyesight and they're quite rich in beta-carotene that can ve converted in vitamin A. One serving of carrots contain just 53 calories which means it is quite a vegetable that you can consume on a daily basis.


33/38Boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes

Potatoes are usually not considered healthy for the weight watchers. Although, they have several properties that makes them just the right food for both optimal health as well as weight loss. Potatoes are high in potassium which most people don't get enough of and yet, it plays a vital role in blood pressure control.


34/38Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts may not be everyone's favourite vegetable, but they are very nutritious.These vegetables are extremely powerful as they contain a high amount of vitamin C that can protect DNA from damage. A cup of these veggies packs a punch and contains just 38 calories. You can cook it before you consume it or just eat it raw. Enjoy a bowl of these sprouts at dinner as a side dish to your main course.

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Beets are popular root vegetables that are widely consumed all over the world. Researchers believe this vegetable can help reduce blood pressure levels. Apart from being super healthy, they are also low in calories. A cup full of beets contains about 59 calories. They are also a rich source of potassium. The best ways to consume beets is by tossing it in a salad along with other low calories vegetables. You can also consume it along with a good source of protein.

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There are many varieties of asparagus that come in green, white and purple. You will gain a lot of health benefits no matter, which one you choose. However, some studies suggest purple asparagus contains compounds known as anthocyanins that could reduce the risk of heart disease. Asparagus is also a rich source of vitamin K and folate. What's more, a cup of these veggies is only about 27 calories. You can have it for breakfast with your eggs.

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Broccoli isn't just low on calories but also makes a great veggie for overall health. It is also believed to protect your body from different kinds of cancers. So saute some or include some boiled broccoli in your salad and you're about to lose some weight soon.




Cucumbers are filled with water which makes it really low in calories. Hence, having cucumber in your daily diet will provide your body with required nutrients, minerals and vitamins and keeps you feeling full for long.
